As an admin of a Fundraiser, you have the ability to download 4 different donor reports from your Fundraiser Dashboard. The 4 reports available are:
- Gifts by Date
- Recurring Gifts
- Donor Emails
To learn more about each report, please continue reading below.
Gifts by Date
This report includes a sorted list of all of your donations by date given. It includes donors names, amount given, method of payment, contact information and more. To view a sample of the report, take a look below.
Recurring Gifts
This report shows detailed information on any recurring donors you have for your fundraiser. It includes donors name, contact information, recurring gift amount, next transaction date, and more. To view a sample of the report, take a look below.
Donor Emails
This report includes the names and email addresses of everyone who has donated to your fundraiser. The report is best used when needing to capture emails for group communication email. To view a sample of the report, take a look below.
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